Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chapter 2 - Safaree

After the studio session I rushed back to the hotel room that me and my best friend Safaree Samuels shared. "Safareeeeeeee," I screeched as I ran through the door. "Bring ya' ass out here nigga." I raced to my closet. I pulled out dresses, tights, jackets, shoes, and laid them all out on my bed. Safaree a.k.a SB came running into the room. "What is it? You ran up in here like a pack of wild fans was chasing you." he said throwing me onto the bed. He started to tickle me as I tried to wrestle my way from under him. "Safaree STAHP!" I giggled. "This is serious!" I said gasping for air. He let me go and threw his self across my bed. "What tip, guy?" he said. Pulling out my best British accent I spoke. "We have been invited to a party Safaree," I said whirling around in the mirror with an imaginary prince. "Run along and get ready. Hurry up, lets go!" I urged him. He looked at me. "Nic, you have never been this excited to go to a party before. What tip? Who's going to be there?" he asked. I spilled. I told him about meeting Drake and how he left me speechless. Safaree rolled his eyes. "At least somebody finally got you to shut up." he said with a hint of jealousy in his voice. He stood up. "I want to meet this guy." he said giving me a look that I was all to familiar with. "SB," I said, serious once more, "You know we can never go back there again." He didn't say anything. Instead he stared out the window. I headed towards the bathroom and began to run the water in the shower. All the while my heart was doing pitter patters, trying to remeber what it was like to be Safaree's girl. A rush of emotions came over me. I leaned against the sink for support. All the feelings I thought were gone came rushing back and within seconds my eyes were filled with tears. Safaree knocked on the door. "Nicki. I-" seeing the tears rush down my cheeks he walked over and held me. We stood like that for a few moments. As though it was just me and him in the world. Coming back to reality I pushed him away. "Go get dressed," I said gruffly. "We have somewhere to be."


  1. Ohh so they use to date.
    That has to be hard to constantly be around ya ex like that even if y'all are best friends. Poor Nic & Faree :'( Again good chap. now to the next :)
